The 1990's

POGS, Furbies, Beanie Babies, and Dial-up internet…These are just a few things most 90s kids will remember. Simpler times brought simpler joys, which is why we all try so hard to feel that 90s childhood nostalgia as we get older. When the hardest thing in our lives was keeping our Tamagotchi alive. If you also long for that 1990s nostalgia, then read on!

1.Scented Markers

A great idea in theory…as long as kids didn’t try to eat them. I don’t ever actually remember coloring with these as much as I remember just sniffing them for way too long…

2. Lip Smackers

Every 90s girl had at least five of these in their MUDD purse, two of them obviously being the Dr. Pepper and Strawberry scented ones. These were a must-have for any make-up enthusiast in the 90s, and probably one of the better cosmetic trends…(I’m looking at you, frosted tips). 

3. Legends of the Hidden Temple

Every kid of the 90s will remember this awesome game show that featured real kids completing intense obstacle courses against 5 other teams, with the goal of obtaining the ancient artifact. This show had a giant talking head called the Olmec, the Steps of Knowledge, a Pit of Despair, and a shrine to a silver monkey. No wonder this show was so epic. Blue Barracudas for the win. 

4. LA Looks

The wetter your hair looked, the better! Girls used it to get that perfect “scrunched” look and guys used it for their spiky look! I can still here the “crunch” sound my hair would make after copious amounts of this sticky stuff…

5. HitClips

Why listen to the WHOLE song on a Regular-sized CD player when you could listen to 30 seconds of a song on a smaller music player that could clip onto your belt? Exactly.

6. Magic Eye Pictures

I would call this trend, “the greatest frustration of the 90s”. How many hours were spent cross-eyed, trying to see the hidden image in these books or posters? Nothing compares to that moment when you finally see it...

7. Furby

90s childhood nostalgia definitely included insane holiday toy trends. Parents spent way too much of their energy trying to buy these toys anyway they could, even if it meant buying from some sketchy guy in the parking lot of Toys R Us. Furbies were one of these toys. These creepy little creatures were one of the biggest trends of the 90s, and kids played with them for about an hour before forgetting about them. That is, until the furby would come alive and start making weird noises in the middle of the night… Creepy.

8. Tamagotchi

Every 90s kid’s biggest responsibility was to remember to feed this pocket-sized digital pet…you saw them clipped to every backpack and belt-loop. Props if you kept yours alive for more than 24 hours.

9. Lisa Frank School Supplies

This stationary was iconic, covered in neon tigers and glittery unicorns, every girl had to have it all!

10. Fruit Stripe Gum

Just like Bubble Tape, the Fruit Stripe Gum flavor last about 10 seconds and I actually couldn’t even tell you what the flavor was, but it was magical. The best part was the temporary tattoos it came with that looked like blue and red blobs when applied!

The 90s were the bomb, and if you’re not ready to give them up and still want to feel all that 90s childhood nostalgia over and over again, explore  some of our 90s scented candles on the 90s decade page!

gene palagi